It's all a question of point of view

Hugues Masaki Ndonga, a Congolese artist born in Kinshasa, discovered his talent for drawing in primary school. Encouraged by his entourage, he joined the Academy of Fine Arts in Kinshasa and obtained his diploma in painting in 2008. After working for five years at the Boboto workshop, where he rubbed shoulders with recognized masters, he exhibited his works in several collective events before holding his first solo exhibition in 2017. In 2019, he joined an artistic collective, drawing inspiration from his environment and the significant encounters throughout his career.
Artistic approach
Hugues Masaki is an artist rooted in realism, drawing inspiration from his environment, particularly the Kinshasa fabric market where his mother worked. He specializes in the representation of crowds, influenced by rumors and "pavement radio", to illustrate the impact of society on our interactions. His impressionist style brings movement to his works, enriched with symbolism, particularly around the female figure, a tribute to his mother. Difficult to classify, Hugues combines realism, impressionism, figurative and abstract, offering sincere and emotional works.
The works

100 cm x 100 cm

Huile sur toile 110 cm x 100 cm

Huile sur toile 100 cm x 100 cm